Crime Writers of Color is a group of over 350 of today and tomorrow’s crime writers of color. It was founded by award winning authors Walter Mosley, Gigi Pandian, and Kellye Garrett in June of 2018.
The latest news: CWoC is will be receiving the prestigious Raven Award from the Mystery Writers of America!
“When we first started talking about the idea that became Crime Writers of Color, we never imagined the small informal group would become such a big and thriving community in just a few years. Our goal was always to create a safe and supportive space for fellow writers of color to network and thrive. So, to know that the group is making a positive impact in the mystery community as a whole is so gratifying, and to be recognized by MWA in our fifth year is such an honor! We thank you on behalf of all our 350-plus members who are in all stages of their career.”
—Cofounders Walter Mosley, Kellye Garrett, and Gigi Pandian
Are you an established or emerging crime writer of color who wants to join our group? Please fill out the contact form below. (Please be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t receive a response from us in your inbox.)
Co-founders Kellye Garrett, Walter Mosley, and Gigi Pandian (at Malice Domestic, 2022).